Float-Sink Separator
Cleanly Separated for 15 years.
The wash-bear® combines simple technology with impressive efficiency into a unique overall concept. The float-sink separators by Moerschen Mobile Aufbereitung GmbH offer a mature solution to the challenge of separating lightweight substances from recycling materials.
One of the key challenges in construction material recycling is the reliable separation of impurities from reusable and valuable minerals. Often, unwanted admixtures such as lightweight substances ranging from aerated concrete to plastic or organic material can significantly impact the quality and usability of the end product. An ideal processing plant should excel in multiple aspects. It should seamlessly combine reliable and effective technology with user-friendly operation and a robust design, resulting in a durable and cost-effective unit. Many ideas have been developed, but few concepts have proven to be as successful as the wash-bear®. With its mechanical float-sink separation technology, the challenge can be considered solved for the past 15 years.
Patented Technology
A significant unique feature is the patented design of the conveyor screw, which conveys the material to be screened through the plant instead of using a conventional discharge conveyor belt. This eliminated a major issue that often arises with conveyor belts, where the solid materials to be discharged frequently block the mechanical components. By adjusting the screw's rotational speed and pitch, the residence time of the feed material in the trough can be controlled. Thus, the wash-bear® allows for the continuous processing of an extensive range of input material sizes, from 4 to 120 mm, in a single operation without intermediate screening. An additional benefit is the optimal dewatering of the end product as it passes through the conveyor screw. The development of this efficient wet processing design is not a coincidence. The technology, which is still patented today, arose from practical experiences, as reported by patent holder Jürgen Beermann during his tenure as operations manager at Enreba Neuss GmbH, an experienced company in the industry.
Focus on Cost-Efficiency
Additionally, the economical use of water resources translates into remarkable cost-efficiency through the wash-bear processing. The closed system utilizes water solely in the form of moisture on the discharged minerals, and this overall efficiency extends to the required energy input from the electric drive. Operating at an average of 8 kW/h during full operation, the power is sufficient to start the wash-bear® even at full load. Manufacturing all essential components in Germany with short transportation distances further contributes to an extremely favorable Co2-footprint."
Precise manufacturing ensures lasting value
The "Made in Germany" origin is another hallmark of the wash-bear®. This follows the Moerschen philosophy that every plant can only be as good as the care and attention put into its realization. The in-house steel construction has proven its qualities in a variety of products over many years and forms the successful basis for license production and general distribution. The conveyor screw in the wash-bear® is made from highly wear-resistant special steel. Even when used with particularly abrasive construction debris, such as concrete granulate, a realistic lifespan of 500,000 tons can be achieved. Sven Brookshaw: "Then the screw can be turned and welded for another full service life."
Accepted by international practice
The wash-bear® has already proven itself nearly 200 times in various tasks internationally, as Jürgen Beermann knows from his experience at Enreba Neuss. RC concrete granulate processed with the wash-bear® meets all the requirements for separating foreign and impurity materials to below 0.2%, in compliance with the Dutch mandate of 40% RC material in concrete. In addition to the process efficiency, which ensures nearly 100% separation of contaminants and mineral fractions, the user-friendly plant technology and the robust, low-maintenance design are particularly convincing.
Scientific Suitability Verified
The wash-bear® technology has also been explicitly recommended in several scientific studies, such as in the production of Qualified RCL by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Anette Müller (Source: Baustoffrecycling Entstehung-Aufbereitung–Verwertung, Publisher: Springer Vieweg). Moreover, tested construction projects involving renowned institutions have taken place, including RWTH Aachen, IRR Innovations region Rheinisches – Baustoffe mit Recyclinganteilen Jülich, BÜV.NW – Recyclingbeton im Hochbau Duisburg, and the Bimolab Projekt Recycling Beton im Hochbau Soest.
Fit for the future
Today, after 15 years of experience, an advanced product generation stands as a result, with ongoing potential for intelligent advancements. For flexible use based on user needs, there are currently three models available, designed to handle throughput capacities ranging from 80 t/h to 300 t/h – depending on the feed material. To further optimize the overall system, a pre-installed wind sifter blower is provided, which can also be retrofitted to existing plants. With this, Sven Brookshaw from General Distribution at Moerschen Mobile Aufbereitung GmbH and patent holder Jürgen Beermann, a practical user at Enreba Neuss, can confidently anticipate offering a competitive technology with the wash-bear® for another 15 years and beyond.